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Arsene Lupin: Once a Thief Walkthrough and Guide

Game guide: walkthrough of all levels, description of investigations, correct answers to riddles and puzzles.
Arsene Lupin: Once a Thief Walkthrough and Guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
17 October 2024

Walkthrough Arsene Lupin — Once a Thief

Start a new game and you'll find yourself in the bank. You need to outwit the guards by correctly arranging the sequence of actions in the cards:

  1. The entrance is blocked by razor-sharp spikes.
  2. After jumping over the spikes, deal with the mad dogs ready to attack you.
  3. The dogs will be fast asleep. As for the guards, their only job is to protect the Faberge egg.
  4. The guards will no longer be a nuisance, but you need to stay alert to avoid becoming a victim of arrows with poisonous tips.
  5. It's better to activate the traps with arrows than with your own feet.

Examine the precious necklace on the left. Examine the stones in the front and the sample in the back to make Lupin steal the item. Go to the right and look at the chest with treasures. Take three precious stones and open the chest. Examine the vault door, click on the two guards to get the code. Return to the vault door and select the Faberge Egg. Enter the code 2809.

Go into the vault and examine the cage door. You need a key. Return to the main hall, scroll the mouse wheel to find the T-Rex skull on the wall. There is a key in its mouth. Examine the T-Rex's eye, hover over the bottom of the movable jaw to open it and collect the golden key. Go to the cage, right-click to open the inventory and select the golden key. Enter inside, right-click on the bottom of the Faberge Egg and select the sandbag from the inventory.

When examining the egg, rotate it so that you can examine the locked latch. Turn the inner part of the pattern once and the large ring twice. Then open the egg and collect the black pearl.

Arsène Lupin's Arrest

After the opening scene, you will find yourself on the deck of the ship, and will be in control of Bernard D'Andresi. Talk to Rosen, the porter, Major Rawson, Lady Gerland (you need to rotate the camera with the mouse wheel). Finally, interact with the stairs on the right to eavesdrop on the conversation between the captain and the first mate. The objective will update!

Go through the tea room next to Lady Gerland to the corridor and talk to Mademoiselle Nelly Underdown. To win the conversation challenges, choose the questions correctly (not too intrusive):

  • What brought you aboard the Provence?
  • Tell us about yourself.

What do we know about Arsène Lupin?

  • His forearm is wounded.
  • He has blond hair.
  • He travels under a name that begins with the letter "R".

Select Rosen. Now enter Rosen's cabin to the right of where Underdown was standing. Look at Rosen's bed, click on the comb and the stains on the pillow. Click on the icon in the upper left corner of the screen. Open Louis Rosen's investigation. Connect the comb and the blonde hair under Rosen. The hair color on the comb and Rosen's head does not match! Close the diary, go to Rosen's chair and examine it. Click on the napkin on the chair, the empty pill bottle on the left and the chemical dye in the bucket on the right. When you see the napkin in front of you, click on the lipstick marks and initials. Open the investigation diary again. Next, connect the chemical dye and the stained pillow, then the empty pill bottle and the damaged arm. Next, connect the two leads - the hair color does not match and the paint stain in the center. Then connect the leads "Master of Disguise" and "Heal the Damage?". Go back to the hallway, you can eavesdrop on the conversation behind the doors on the side, then go to the tea room, right-click on the mailbox and put down the incriminating tape.

Rosen's Cabin

After loading, you will control Inspector Ganimar. Climb the nearby stairs to the upper deck, talk to Captain Melville. Choose which cabin to start the inspection from. Let's go to Rosen's cabin. Read the note on the nearby pile. He asked the crew to burn old clothes. Look at the table, click on the journal and the Morse code reference book. Rotate the camera and look in the small safe in the wall. Also click on the slightly open ventilation to the left and above the safe.

When you have examined everything, a diary will open. Combine different clues:

  • Journal and Master Thief
  • Master of Disguise and Note from the staff

Talk to the captain, select the journal and the note from the staff.

Rawson's Cabin

Next, you will get to Major Rawson's cabin. Examine the items to the right of the inspector, open the box and look at the empty package of medicines. Next, move the screen to the left and open the bottom drawer of the cabinet to examine the used medicines. Go to the windows and look at the fish weekly. Read Rawson's diary lying on the table. Look at the open vent (vent) on the side wall next to the safe. Combine the evidence:

  • Rawson's diary and Manipulator
  • Medicines and Damaged arm

If you examined both cabins, you can combine "Open vent" from Rawson's cabin and "Half-open ventilation grate" from Rosen's cabin.

Jewel Theft

Talk to the captain, select the clues "Medicines" and "Rawson's Diary". If you have examined both cabins, Lady Gerland will appear and tell you that Lupin stole her jewels. You need to investigate the jewel theft.

Look at the open guest safe, click on the vent (a strange smell is coming from there). Examine the scraps of paper on the table and talk to Lady Gerland. Ask about the scraps of paper, then examine Gerland by clicking on her hands near the heart, her eyes (no eye contact) and the blush on her cheeks. Press the R key to open the investigation. Connect the clues "Lady Gerland is nervous" and "Scraps of paper". Finally, turn the screen around and look at the cabin door. You can go out into the corridor.

Talk to the suspects

Go through the tea room and interrogate Mademoiselle Underdown. Go out on deck and talk to Louis Rosen. Then go up the stairs on the right and talk to the captain. You know about the mate and the porter. Enter the storeroom a little further. Noticed that the porter has white hair? Examine the table on the right. Click on the missing screwdriver on the wall, the shoe print on the table and the open vent. Talk to the porter, examine the purple stains on the floor. Also look at the empty uniform bag on the hangers next to the porter. Press R to open the investigation. Connect the following clues:

  • "A pungent odor" and "Smell from Lady Gerland's cabin vent"
  • "The same odor" (obtained by connecting the clues above) and "Ventilation vent"
  • Move down a bit, connect the clues "Lady Gerland left the cabin for dinner" and "Rosen missed the robbery" (under the icons of both characters)

Talk to the porter again and ask if a person could have crawled through the ventilation. You will receive key information.

Go down to the main deck and talk to Louis Rosen. Show him the new clues. You need to calm Rosen down by choosing the right words:

  • Tell me what you were doing...
  • I understand you got rid of the clothes?
  • Mademoiselle Underdown said you were absent from dinner...

Talk to the captain, and he will say that the evidence is in the forecastle. Go down to Rosen and go to the quarters under the stairs on the right. Talk to the first mate, look at the guest book on the nearby table. Expand the screen and look at the log of keys in the box to the right of the first mate. Go a little further and look in the box on the floor, next to the table. These are found items. Look at the wallet, click on the large R in the front and the purple spot in the back. Go a little further and examine the three lockers. Look in the locker on the right. Examine the film in the locker on the right, the envelope in the middle locker and the pocket watch in the left. Examine the watch, open it by pressing the button and read the inscription inside.

Talk to the First Mate and get the truth out of him:

  • The First Mate probably needs a decent watch?
  • I suppose you can afford a watch yourself?
  • I'm searching the crew's lockers...

Go up on deck and talk to Louis Rosen to give him the wallet/diary with the letter R. Next, open the diary and the investigation, connect the clues "Wallet belongs to Rosen" and "Stains on the floor". Then connect the resulting clue "Rosen went into the pantry" and "The ventilation can accommodate a person". Finally, connect the resulting clue "Someone could have crawled through the ventilation" and "Rosen had the opportunity". Go up and talk to the captain to find out about the missing master key. Talk to Rosen, as the inspector thinks he stole Lady Gerland's jewelry. Put the following sequence of actions in the correct order:

  1. After the first day, the captain detained Rosen.
  2. Everyone goes to dinner, Rosen is not in his usual place.
  3. Rosen manages to find a way to get into the storeroom.
  4. Using the ventilation, Rosen was able to get into Gerland's cabin.
  5. Having cracked the safe, Rosen escapes with the jewelry.

Enter the tea room and talk to Bernard. Ask for the watch, then return to the cockpit and talk to the first mate. Look in the guest book. Bernard is not in it. Next, you will open the diary and will have to reconnect all the clues:

  • The first mate "Gave the key to the captain" and Captain Melville "Never received the master key
  • "The missing watch" and "The watch"
  • Key contradiction (new evidence) and the empty bag from the uniform
  • The stolen watch (new evidence) and the found watch
  • The film and "Bernard is a photographer".
  • "Not a chance?" and "Suspicious Activity"
  • "Lady Gerland is hiding something" and "Something doesn't add up"
  • "The door to Lady Gerland's cabin" and "Lupin as a crew member"

Return to Lady Gerland's cabin, interrogate the lady. You will have to put the events in the correct sequence:

  1. Having sneaked on board, Lupin finds the perfect disguise to remain unnoticed.
  2. Taking advantage of the confusion surrounding the announcement of his arrival and committing his first crime, Lupin steals the captain's watch.
  3. Arriving at an emergency call, Rosen becomes the victim of a robbery; it is impossible to identify the culprit.
  4. Notably, Rosen was absent from dinner twice.
  5. Under cover of darkness, Gerland leaves his cabin to meet someone.
  6. Having broken into the safe, Lupin takes the jewels.

Press R to open the investigation related to Bernard. Connect "Lady Gerland left the cabin only once" and "Monsieur d'Andrezy did not have the opportunity." Then connect "Bernard had the opportunity" and "The master key was used."

Go to the captain and collect all the passengers.

Play as Bernard

Talk to the first mate and the porter on deck. The first one is coughing, but he has no money for a doctor. Go left, but don't enter anything. Examine the information board to the left of the tea room door. Click on the ship plan on the left, the reward with the image of a fish on the right, and the information about the first class cabins at the top right. Examine the ventilation in the tea room and enter the corridor. Eavesdrop on the conversation of two women at the door to Lady Jerland's cabin.

Move away from the door, one of the women will come out. After listening to her, examine the major's cabin. It is locked, you need a master key. Enter Rosen's cabin, look at the table in the corner, click on Rosen's diary and the reference book with Morse code. Take the old coin lying on the nightstand to the right of the bed. Among the suitcases in the middle of the room, find a note with strange scribbles. This is the code for the safe in Morse code. If you translate it, you get 0104. Turn the camera around and open the safe. You will receive a knife. Examine the ventilation grate and leave Rosen's cabin.

Go through the tea room to the deck. In the tea room, look at Mademoiselle Underdown, click on the painting and the head of a woman who looks tired. Then you can talk to Underdown:

  • I enjoyed spending time together...
  • Do you have plans for the evening?
  • Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

Go to the deck and examine the poster to the right of the door. Interact with the newspaper lying on the bench to overhear the conversation of the captain, the porter and the first mate. Talk to the mate. If you previously studied the ship's plan (to the left of the door to the tea room), a puzzle will start. Connect Rawson's and Rosen's cabins in pairs, Gerland and the pantry, the dining room and the tea room, Mademoiselle Nelly's cabin and the cockpit (below).

Go to Rosen's cabin, examine the grate and unscrew the three screws with the army knife found in the safe earlier. You will get to Major Rawson's cabin. Examine the safe, the fish weekly. After reading the diary, go to the other part of the room and examine the fishing rod. Finally, look at Rawson's things to the left of the door. Open the box and take the seasickness pills. Look at the cabinet on the left and examine the used medicines in the bottom drawer. Leave the major's cabin through the door and examine the fish on the wall. However, Arsène Lupin will refuse to examine them for now. Go to the tea room and talk to Underdown. Give her the pills and go out onto the deck. But first, be sure to examine the internal mail in the tea room mailbox.

Talk to the first mate. He will let you into the storeroom for an additional fee. Talk to the porter, tell him about the internal mail. Go to the corridor and examine the three fish on the wall. Take the fishing rod from Major Rawson's cabin. Go out onto the deck and sit in the chair in the middle. Perhaps you need to examine it before taking the rod and examining the fish. Use the coin on the blue fish with a long nose (it's a marlin), take it to the deck and use it on the rod. Then talk to the first mate to give him the trophy.

Go up to the upper deck, examine the pantry door. It will be locked. Go back, examine the captain and the mate, take the watch and the key to the pantry from their pockets. Go to the pantry, examine the drawer on the left to read Lady Gerland's letter, and then look at the grate on the right to get into her room. However, Lupin will refuse to climb into the room through the ventilation.

Go out onto the deck, talk to the mate to hand over the watch. The captain will tell you about dinner. Go to the dining room through the tea room, talk to Lady Nelly.

Talk to the mate about the watch. Talk to Louis Rosen. Examine the poster on the ship's plan on the left, enter the tea room, talk to Nelly. She wants to tell you something, but cannot make up her mind. Examine the flute on the far shelves, the crew's uniform and the wool in the sack next to the table, opposite the front door. Return to Nelly and give her flowers. You will learn that Gerland is having an affair with someone from the crew. Talk to the porter and the assistant about Lady Gerland. Ask Louis Rosen about the reward for the capture of Lupin (you need to study the poster at the entrance to the tea room from the deck). The porter will say that only crew members can access the cabin. Return to the storeroom, take the crew uniform and try to enter the cabin. The porter will ask for the password.

Talk to the chief assistant, ask for the password and convince him to give it to you:

  • We can agree...
  • 1000 francs...

It remains to get the money. Put the events in the correct sequence:

  1. Find a secluded spot…
  2. Make the deck slippery…
  3. Play two short, loud bangs from the emergency poster… Incidentally, you learn about this from the red poster hanging at the entrance to the tea room from the deck.
  4. Watch Rosen fall from your perfectly planned ruse.
  5. Collect your reward.

Go up to the upper deck and examine the secluded spot next to the lifeboat near the storeroom. Enter the storeroom and take the flute from the far shelf. Go down to the main deck, find a bucket of slop to the right of the first mate. Pour the slop in a secluded spot, then use the flute there. Turn the wallet over and take the money. Give it to the first mate, then tell the porter the password.

Once in the cockpit, examine the captain's suit and desk. Turn the camera around and examine the notes in the key box. Look in the three lockers. Look at the boots, letter, and honey jar (the items are in separate lockers). Go out on deck, talk to the porter about the captain. Talk to the first mate. Then choose the captain's image - light beard, broad build, cap. Go to the pantry, take the wool from the sack opposite the door. Return to the cockpit and take the honey jar. All that remains is to deal with the broad build. Examine the desk to make two fake letters for the porter and Lady Gerland. Throw the letter for the porter (via RMB) into his locker in the cockpit. Throw the letter for Gerland under the door of her cabin. Return to the forecastle and take the captain's cap hanging in the corner, next to the desk.

You can now interact with the captain's uniform in the forecastle. Talk to the first mate on the deck to get the master key. Return to the storeroom and change clothes. Enter Lady Gerland's cabin. Examine the safe and calendar on the table. Look at the diary lying on the bedside table. The diary says that the voyage began 4 days ago, and the calendar marks August 23. So, you need to enter the code 1908. Right-click on the open safe and select the camera. Open it and hide the jewelry inside.

On the fifth day after Inspector Ganimard's arrival, talk to Nelly, who is standing at the side of the deck.

Arsène Lupin in prison

Playing as Inspector Ganimard